Mountain cabins

Mountain cabin below Kremžarjev vrh - 1102 m

Gradišče 30, 2380 Slovenj Gradec

+386 (0)2 884 48 83

+386 (0)41 828 010

[email protected]

Mountain cabin below Kremžarjev vrh - 1102 m


The cabin is open from 1 May to 15 October with the exception of Tuesdays, when it is closed. From 15 October on, there are organised duties on Saturdays and Sundays. There are 45 beds – 22 beds in one room and 23 beds in 6 rooms. By the cabin, there is a 200-metre-long ski lift for children.

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Grmovškov dom below Velika Kopa - 1377 m

Razborca 31, 2382 Mislinja

+386 (0)2 883 98 60

+386 (0)31 816 754

[email protected]

Grmovškov dom below Velika Kopa - 1377 m


Grmovškov dom at Kope is a nice mountain cabin with 68 beds, spacious restaurant with 120 seats, a large terrace and a pub. It is located approximately 50 meters away from the first ski lift. It is situated 16 kilometres from Slovenj Gradec.

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Mountan cabin on Uršlja gora - 1680 m

Jazbina 19, 2393 Črna na Koroškem

+386 (0)2 823 22 85

[email protected]

Mountan cabin on Uršlja gora - 1680 m


The mountain cabin is open in June, July, August and September, in other months it is open on Saturdays and Sundays (in good weather). It offers 60 beds and an eating area for 180 visitors.
Events: winter culture days (from 20 January to the closest Sunday), night hikes (the first Saturday in February), summer culture days (the third Saturday in June), the meeting of women (the third weekend in September), “Lepa nedelja” Sunday (August), the meeting of families (September) etc. The cabin is visited by more than 20 000 visitors every year.

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Poštarski dom below Plešivec - 800 m

Sele 34, 2380 Slovenj Gradec

+386 (0)2 822 10 55

+386 (0)2 449 25 13

Poštarski dom below Plešivec - 800 m


The cabin is located below Uršlja gora on the North-East mountainside. In front of the cabin there is a larger parking area and some tourists boards.

The cabin is open throughout the year. It offers 30 beds in ten rooms and 8 beds in one room. It is accessible by a car. Due to its excellent location, it is suitable for holidays.

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Partizanski dom below Mala kopa - 1443 m

Legen 168, 2383 Šmartno pri Slovenj Gradcu

+386 (0) 31 663 229

[email protected]

Partizanski dom below Mala kopa - 1443 m


Partizanski dom is open all year and offers a total of 80 beds in rooms. It is accessible by car from Slovenj Gradec and is located right next to the ski slope, only 80 m away from the Kaštivnik chairlift.

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