
Slovenj Gradec, with its dense network of less busy roads, forest roads and bicycle paths, offers numerous possibilities for biking, especially mountain biking, and unforgettable and pleasant experience.

In Slovenj Gradec and nearby, there are the following popular bicycle paths:



Distance: 35 km

Difficulty: easy

Elevation: 206 m

Duration: 3 hours (moderate pace, no stops)



SlikaDistance: 35 kmDifficulty: easyElevation: 206 mDuration: 3 hours (moderate pace, no stops)Štrekna.jpgClose

Štrekna is a cycle path that has been constructed along the abandoned route of the former Velenje–Dravograd railway line. As the name implies, it runs along a (now disused) railway track which is referred to as štreka by the locals. The railway path is set against the scenic backdrop of the Pohorje mountains and Mt Uršlja Gora, and the experience of riding through the Huda Luknja gorge.

The entire length of 35 kilometers between Velenje and Dravograd is asphalted, uniformly marked and separated from traffic. Along the route, there are numerous stops with all equipment available to cyclists and users. With a gentle and even slope, the path is particularly suitable for families. In Velenje, the route starts at 411 meters above sea level, and reaches its highest point of 590 metres in Mislinja, after which it gradually descends to Dravograd up to 341 meters. Štrekna is not only a modern, picturesque cycling route, but also a rich treasure of technical heritage that serves as a timeless monument to human ingenuity and determination in overcoming challenging natural terrain. The renovated former infrastructure facilities along the Štrekna include many tunnels, bridges, viaducts and other construction interventions that enable modern travelers to discover the picturesque natural beauty and technical heritage of the Carinthia and Šaleška valley by bicycle.

Attractions along the way:

Along Štrekna, you will find many interesting buildings, such as the restored former railway bridge in Slovenj Gradac, the former tunnels between Mislinja and Velenje, the stone viaduct in Gornji Dolič and quite a few new bicycle overpasses and bridges. The route also takes you through the medieval city center of Slovenj Gradec.

Štrekna bus:

Štrekna bus is a thirty-seater bus with a trailer for sixteen wheels. It runs on the route between Velenje, Gornji Dolič, Mislinja, Slovenj Gradec, Otiški vrh, Dravograd and the bathing lake in Labot (Lavamünd) on the Austrian side. In 2024, the Štrekna bus runs every Saturday and Sunday between July 6 and September 29 and on the holiday, August 15, 2024.


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Name: Peacock trail

Distance: 22.5 km

Diffculty: moderate

Elevation: 500 m

Duration: 2 hours 45 minutes (moderate pace, no stops)


SlikaName: Peacock trailDistance: 22.5 kmDiffculty: moderateElevation: 500 mDuration: 2 hours 45 minutes (moderate pace, no stops)Close

Orientation demanding
Suitable only for mountain bikes 

The trail starts in Slovenj Gradec and after 23 kilometres it ends at the starting point. The trail is diverse, attractive and suitable for experienced cyclists. The trail runs partly on cart tracks and forest paths, therefore, the equipment and mountain bike are necessary.

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Name: Šisernik's trail

Distance: 33 km

Difficulty: difficult

Elevation: 850 m

Duration: 3 hours 30 minutes (moderate fast pace, no stops)


SlikaName: Šisernik's trailDistance: 33 kmDifficulty: difficultElevation: 850 mDuration: 3 hours 30 minutes (moderate fast pace, no stops)Close

Orientation and physically demanding 
Suitable only for mountain bikes

The starting point of the trail is in Slovenj Gradcu and after 33 kilometres the trail ends at the starting point. The trail is diverse, attractive and suitable for experienced and physically fit cyclists. It runs partly on cart tracks and forest paths, therefore, the equipment and mountain bike are necessary.

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Name: Suhi dol

Distance: 19.2 km

Elevation: 260 m

Vzpon: 260 m

Duration: 1 hour 45 minutes (moderate pace, no stops)


SlikaName: Suhi dolDistance: 19.2 kmElevation: 260 mVzpon: 260 mDuration: 1 hour 45 minutes (moderate pace, no stops)Close

The sights along the trail:

Slovenj Gradec, the Peace Messenger city since 1989.

Podgorje or Podgorca, 4 kilometres from Slovenj Gradec, a beautiful, farming village, first mentioned in 1394.

Suhi dol, a valley that stretches alongside the river Suhodolnica to the inn Balek.

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Name: Circle trail

Distance: 25 km

Difficulty: easy

Elevation: 201 m

Duration: 2 hours (moderate pace, no stops)


SlikaName: Circle trailDistance: 25 kmDifficulty: easyElevation: 201 mDuration: 2 hours (moderate pace, no stops)Close

The starting point is in Slovenj Gradec and after 25 kilometres it ends at the starting point. The path is diverse, attractive and suitable for all types of cyclists.

The sights along the trail:

The farming village Podgorje. There you can visit the oldest turbine in Slovenia, built already 100 years ago and back then it supplied nine households with electricity.

Šmiklavž, the crossroad of picturesque valleys, formed by the streams Janina, Burčnica, Kolarnica and Stihovec.

Dobrajska vas lies at the edge of Mislinjska dobrava forest.

Turiška vas is the only village in Mislinja valley that does not have a church.

Marovšek’s double hayrack.

Tomaška vas is a picturesque village, where you can visit the Church of St. Thomas, and it lies 500 metres from Turiška vas. In the direct closeness there is Herčeva saw and mill as well as Černivnik’s double and single hayrack.

Šmartno pri Slovenj Gradcu is the centre of this part of Mislinja valley and there you can visit a very beautiful church, the Church of St. Martin.

The Church of St. George, at Legen, is also an interesting point. The local people found significant archeological finds next to this church in 1993, which are now exhibited underneath a glass floor in the church. The foundation of the church with apse is an unique find in Slovenia.

There is also the inn Plesnik, a tourist farm, with an excellent choice of home cooking.

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For the lovers of non-asphalt roads, there is a 75 kilometres long diverse biking trail path which runs through the forest of Pohorje and connects its eastern part that lies in Maribor with its western part that lies in Koroška (Carinthia). The trail is marked in both directions (with PT sign) from Bolfenk in the east to Kremžarjev vrh in the west and it is connected with numerous local biking paths and forest roads, which lead to all major centres around Pohorje. The pleasant temperatures and the freshness of mountain air guarantee pleasure. Besides dense network of forest roads and cart tracks, Pohorje hides numerous bogs and plains, creeks with waterfalls and other natural beauties.

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Mountain biking trail runs along local and forest macadam roads, connecting the hamlets and farms that lie around Mountain Uršlja gora. The road leads through the shadows of forests, past the sightseeing points, tourist farms, alpine cabins, solitary farms and provincial hamlets. There is also a shorter trail you can take, which runs along a forest cart track.

The starting point of the trail is at Ivarčko jezero Lake, the popular tourist recreational centre near Ravne na Koroškem. The longest trail is 40 kilometres long and is marked with metallic signs with a green symbol of a cyclist. The shorter trail is not marked, except of the part that belongs to the longest trail.

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